Post Building Techniques
Post Building Techniques
course code
user level
Beginner to Intermediate
4 days
The Post Building Techniques acquaints you with tools and techniques that are used for building custom, machine tool specific post processors using the Post Builder tool. Methods are shown for customization and modification of the definition and event handler files that are used by NX Post.
Anyone that is required to build post processors that are used in the NX manufacturing process. Typical users are NC/CNC programmers, system managers and manufacturing engineers
Required courses:
- NX Manufacturing Fundamentals (TR11021)
- A thorough understanding of NC/CNC programming principles and a thorough understanding of NC/CNC machine/controller functionality
- Student Guide
- Activity Material
- NX Post – postprocessor
- Building a postprocessor with the post builder
- Units-only subposts
- Post Builder for wire EDM applications
- Post Builder for 4-axis and 5-axis mills
- Post Builder for lathe applications
- Create mill-turn postprocessors
- Tcl Basics for Post Builder
- Custom commands
- User-defined events and user-defined cycles
- Virtual NC Controller
- Postprocessing with a Siemens controller
- Create a macro with Post Builder
- A Guide to best practices of building a postprocessor